Inspiring for changes



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Personal Opinion

This site was made to inspire other people to think. I do understand that in my home-country  my actions may cost me my freedom and health, but because I love Belarus and its people I want to remind everyone that President and government are made FOR people! I hope there is a day in history of Belarus when people would freely tell  what they think about government with no fear. Lukashenko has absolute power in the Belarus , he enriches his pockets from the country budget, opposition is illegal, media is under total control, elections are corrupted. Belarus is occupied, and it needs a breath of fresh air and a fresh start.Martin Luther King said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” So I think we haven’t lived at all.It is time for changes, time to live!

Belarus police detain a protester with an opposition flag during an opposition rally in Minsk, Belarus, Saturday, March 25, 2017. A cordon of club-wielding police blocked the demonstrators' movement along Minsk's main avenue near the Academy of Science. Hulking police detention trucks were deployed in the city center. п»їп»ї(AP Photo/Sergei Grits)
epa05869964 Police officers detain a protester during a rally marking the unofficial 'Freedom Day' in Minsk, Belarus, 25 March 2017. Freedom Day is an unofficial holiday in Belarus in commemoration of the creation of the Belarusian People's Republic (BPR) on 25 March 1918. The Belarusian government does not recognize 25 March as a holiday due to the fact that the BPR was proclaimed under German occupation.  EPA/STRINGER
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